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Prepare to test your hand-eye coordination with Zavvi US’s wide range of Nerf guns and toys. We have loads of different products on offer, providing people of all ages with hours of non-stop fun.

It’s Nerf Or Nothin’

A toy brand owned by Hasbro, the Nerf line predominantly focuses on foam-based weaponry, such as guns (commonly referred to as “blasters”) and bows. However, there are also several other products in the line, examples being basketballs, baseballs, and footballs.

Traditionally, the Nerf Sports (N-Sports) line features various color schemes and aesthetic additions (including logos of the NFL). Some products in the line also have tailfins, which allow them to travel further through the air and give them the appearance of torpedoes. Blasters, on the other hand, are made of plastic, the barrel shooting foam darts modified with unique perks: Velcro tips (giving them the ability to stick to brand-supplied vests), suction cups (capable of latching on to smooth surfaces), streamlined darts (sized to fit into clips/magazines), and whistle effects. They are often available in multiple colors — such as camouflage and glow in the dark — and can be upgraded with attachments via tactical rails.

Parker Brothers, a brand under the Hasbro label, developed the first Nerf product, a foam ball, with the inventor Reyn Guyer. Released in 1970, the product was marketed as being the first ball that could be used indoors, and it was positively received by consumers. This success encouraged the company to develop further variations, the first of which was an oversized version of the original ball. Hasbro took control of the company in 1991, continuing to expand upon the available offerings by adding more sports balls and foam blasters.

Pull The Trigger

If you want to organize an intense foam-based battle, our line-up of Nerf guns and toys has everything you need. Start browsing, and discover the latest products: the Supersoaker, Barracuda Water Gun, Ultra Select Blaster, and more.